Le Bug Show 2006
As usual, DVF was present at Le Bug Show at Spa and some of us left as early as Monday to enjoy a nice week in the 'H'Ardennnen'. The weather could have been better but we didn't let it spoil our trip as we rented a chalet with all the luxury needed. So no mud to sleep in as most of the campers did during the weekend (just ask Moddersmurf of the Belgian VW Club who felt right at home in the mud...)We even had the time to enjoy some nice DVF-line-ups. Just check them out and enjoy. Even the local cops liked what we were doing at let us do our thing...And by Saturday we were able to do an almost complete line-up which wasn't left unnoticed at the show. I promise to post some pictures of the show later on so stay tuned...
posted by
at 4:00 am
Tuesday, August 29, 2006