Oh Damned! Another XTT and you didn't plan a babysitter... Well, I'm sorry, really am but something got in the way of organising this wonderfull ride (people who know me already guessed that something is actually me and my lousy timing, but don't tell).
Anyway, Die Volks Freunde wish to invite you on what was supposed to be an Easter run, complete with chocolate eggs and all. Due to a meltdown (litterally) you'll have to bring your own sweets on April 25. As usual we meet at the Park&Ride in Gentbrugge at seven in the evening en we start driving at eight.Be there or be as square as a librarian! And don't forget, if you can't come send a friend, if you do come bring company.
Greetz Dr Jeckill
posted by
at 3:34 am
Thursday, April 19, 2007